Of course I believe in speaking truth. There's a popular saying out there, "Speak truth to power." Hitting Google:
"speak truth to power": 324,000
"speaking truth to power": 367,000
"spoke truth to power": 27,200
Total: 719,985
One thing I've always wondered, though, is "Does all power need to have truth spoken to it?" Would the people who make use of this phrase speak just as much truth to power if it agreed with them? Or does power not need any truth spoken to it if it's on the right side?
As I've stated earlier, I am a Christian. What is the ultimate, final power in the universe? Would that not be God Himself? Does God need the truth to be spoken to Him? If the saying doesn't work in the ultimate case, perhaps it needs some re-examination.
Total: 63
Only a few orders of magnitude difference.
Which phrase should we be using? Not all power needs truth spoken to it. Power that is used for good is on the right track already. Power that is used for evil most definitely needs a strong dose of truth. Even powerless evil needs truth spoken to it. When your child says, "I hate you!" his powerless protest is evil and needs to be countered with scriptural truth.
Let us be precise in our speech so that we may be best understood.
Hat tip to Mark Davis for introducing me to this phrase.
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